Back to: Yahweh Virtual University Free Online Class
Students will learn why their body is their temple, and how they should take care of their bodies by exercising to stay fit and healthy.
1) Prayer
2) Bible time
3) Temple defined
4) Health questions
5) Exercise video
6) Homework
Parents Corner
All parents/legal guardians please remember:
~Please don’t ever shame, ridicule, belittle, or unnecessarily provoke students purposely, this can cause counterproductive behavior. (Colossians 3:21, Ephesians 6:4)
~Be patient, calm, and encouraging when teaching students. Never compare one student’s success with others. All students learn at different speeds.
~Find your student’s super learning power HERE. Remember to have them utilize their special technique when learning.
Procedure Number 1
Let us all stand and face the east as we say a prayer to our Heavenly Father יהוה in Hebrew.
Please press play and pray along with the audio.
Procedure Number 2
Scripture for the day: 1 Corinthians 6:19
Remember to explain to students that their body is their temple. Please take the time and read to students a verse from the King James Version of the Bible. Feel free to find additional scriptures related to the word temple. 1 Corinthian 6:19, What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God יהוה, and ye are not alone.
Procedure Number 3
Spell out and define the word H-E-A-L-T-H
Play the audio below so students can learn to spell and define Health.
Procedure Number 4
Questions about health
Please ask the following questions, get responses, and press the questions to reveal the correct answers. Only give the answers if student/students do not know the correct answers. Once students have answered all questions explain to students that their mind is the spiritual temple just as a building is a physical temple.
Procedure Number 5
Exercise video
Please play the video below. Make sure students follow along and do the exercises in the video.
1) Please click the link HERE and watch the video provided every evening throughout this week.
2) Please play the audio below and continue to inculcate the definition of the vocabulary word Health. Health means: Sound state of Mind and body that’s free from illness or disease in a moral state of purity and goodness. (Recite the meaning of Health 7 times daily this week)
A Call For Your Help!
We pray you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy this free online class:
~This is a call for your help and assistance. This free online class was created to bring awareness to all good people about how wonderful learning from Yahweh truly is.
~At this time YVU only supports online classes for levels 1 & 2 (ages 2-6). We are a small team and are working endlessly to provide online classes for all levels and all ages.
~We are in need of Lesson plan writers, Worksheet creators, Video creators, Online course creators, Teachers, and more…If you are interested in helping YVU launch more levels faster please fill out this form HERE or call 850-813-9494 between the hours of 9 am & 1 pm EST.
You can also support us through your generous donations HERE. Praise Yahweh forever!