Monday through Friday Level 1 and 2 students will have live online classes. live classes will alternate such as Yahweh Mathematics and Hebrew Israelite History one week, then Reading and Health the following week. Be sure to pay close attention to the time each class starts, the day, and the level so that your students are fully prepared for their live online classes.
Every Friday there is a live review, be sure to pay close attention to whether it is the 1st 2nd 3rd, or 4th Friday of the month. This will determine whether your student will have a live review of Yahweh Mathematics and Hebrew Israelite History, or Reading and Health.
Live Foundation Knowledge classes are Thursdays and Fridays. Make sure you check the ages so that your student attends the correct class.
Remember this schedule is just for live classes. If you would like your students to learn additional subjects such as Science, Art, Technology, etc. you can purchase our curriculum outline for a one-time price of $150.00 HERE. Once your student is taking additional subjects be sure to work your new subjects around the live class schedule.
Please make sure students download the “Teams app.” Students must sign in with their student email and password that was given to them in their welcome package. Please reference the live class schedule below.