YVU Directors

Queen Yerusha
YVU President

Queen Yerusha
YVU President
Yerusha Sarah Yisrael was born and raised in the knowledge of Yahweh. Just so you understand, Yahweh Ben Yahweh is the only President, CEO, and founder of Yahweh Virtual University. Yet, he has given Yerusha Sarah Yisrael the urge and responsibility to fulfill this great work. Yahweh Ben Yahweh has given Yerusha Sarah Yisrael the duty to operate Yahweh Virtual University so that we can continue to rescue our future and all good people of the world. Yerusha Sarah Yisrael grew up with her six brothers and sisters, she enjoys performing at Yahweh's three high holy feasts. She has dedicated her life to the glorification of Yahweh through song, dance, presentations, skits, plays and much more...Yahweh has provided Yerusha Sarah Yisrael with a brilliant team and the resources to make Yahweh Virtual University a reality.
She was a student of the University of Yahweh and many of Yahweh Virtual University's teachers and directors taught her while growing up in the University of Yahweh.
Yerusha Sarah Yisrael does not take lightly this calling that Yahweh has bestowed upon her. Yahweh will get his desired affect and Yerusha Sarah Yisrael will continue to be his humble servant and one of the vessels used to achieve Yahweh Ben Yahweh's great work.
- Phone:+1 (850-813-9494
- Email:[email protected]

King Benayahuw
YVU Vice President

King Benayahuw
YVU Vice President
Shalom Aleichem! All praises and glory be to YAHWEH and YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH our Most prestigious King and God!
I have been a devoted follower of YAHWEH/YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH since 2006/6009. I was born and raised in the SonShine state of Florida, USA. I have always had a fondness for instructing and bringing out the joy in children as far as I can remember. I have been told on numerous occasions by many who know me well that I should have become a teacher, psychologist, and marriage/relationship counselor, but I never really pursued any of those avenues officially. I am currently an Abbah of five with YVU President Yerusha Sarah Yisrael. This is where I began teaching my own children.
I am apt in strategic design and exceptional organizing ability. I am Treasurer of YAHWEH’S Feast Committee of Riviera Beach, FL,USA. I have authored one of YVU’s children storybooks titled, “Nation Time: Family Matters.” All in all, I am most joyful to be of service to YAHWEH in this wonderful endeavor that shall help restore a righteous foundation upon the entire planet earth. All praises be to YAHWEH and YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH forever.
- Phone:+1 (850-813-9494
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Yowkebed
YVU Secretary

Queen Yowkebed
YVU Secretary
My name is Yowkebed Sawraw Yisrael Bot יהוה. After graduating from Nazareth Regional high school in Brooklyn New York, I attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I learned a great deal about acting, stage presence, and what it takes to capture the attention of an audience. I later landed a role doing a musical in Holland with the Acting By Children Company. I play the violin, sing in a classical / opera style, and danced. I also became a licensed cosmetologist.
In the year 1985, I was blessed to have received the word of יהוה. This changed the direction of my life. I moved to Miami to be a part of the wonderful works of יהוה בּן יהוה. Having the great pleasure of meeting the Son of God יהוה בּן יהוה is how I became who I am today. I have 7 children all of whom I taught from infancy to high school. I worked in the book proofing department, the sewing department and later became a certified יהוה University teacher. I participated in The Suffering Servant theatrical play, our National dance troop, and choir. I also work as the Program Coordinator for our nation’s Feast Committee.
I recently became a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, in order to assist with the emotional development of our children as well. I am an author of the soon to be published book
יהוה Is Glorious.
My goal is to show the world our love for our father יהוה בּן יהוה through the medium of Yahweh's education and performing arts. Praise, Glory, and Exaltation be to Yahweh Ben Yahweh forever.
PRAISE יהוה.
- Phone:+1 (850-813-9494
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Yahsherah
YVU Executive Director

Queen Yahsherah
YVU Executive Director
Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth.
(St. John 16:13)
Yahweh Ben Yahweh said unto me,
I am the resurrection, truth, and life;
he that believed in me though he were Dead,
yet shall he live, (St. John 11:25)
Blessed be he that cometh in the Name of
Yahweh Ben Yahweh.
My Holy Hebrew Name is
Queen Empress Yahsherah Yisrael.
I am the Executive Director of
Yahweh Virtual University.
By the Authority invested in me by the Grandmaster of The Celestial Lodge Architect of the Universe and through the power of Yahweh Ben Yahweh's Divine Mind, I claim my inheritance and legal
birthright, history, culture, language, and land.
I am also the CEO and founder of the Royalty Academy of Etiquettes as well as Yahweh's Sovereign Royal Priesthood.
I have been a citizen, Supporter, and Follower, of
The Nation of Yahweh for decades.
I first became a fulltime supporter at our National
Head Quarters, then later in Orlando, Florida I attended several teacher training programs in Yahweh's
Hebrew Israelite Academy along with curriculum building.
My two beautiful daughters were born in the Nation of Yahweh and attended Yahweh's Hebrew Israelite Academy in Orlando, Florida.
Soon after they went on to College with a host of Awards,
Honors, and Degrees.
My Lovely Grandchildren are now also attending
Yahweh University.
Thy words were found and I did eat.
Thy words was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart:
For I am called by thy name.
Oh Lord God Yahweh of host (Jer.15:16)
- Phone:+1 (850)-813-9494
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Deborah
YVU Curriculum Director

Queen Deborah
YVU Curriculum Director
Deborah Ezraella Israel has been a dedicated disciple of Yahweh Ben Yahweh in the Nation of YHWH since 1982. Her work within the Nation began with adorning the walls of the Richmond, Va. Temple with painted on murals of The Black Messiah Has Risen and My Sheep Are Men. Later, she became a teacher at the prestigious Yahweh University in Miami, a Yahweh Physician Midwife Nurse (YPMN) with focus on Herbal Medications, and a Seamstress for other Hebrew Israelites.
Her secular certifications include a B.S. in Teaching English/ Language Arts for Middle and High School, Minor in Counseling Psychology, licensure as a Level 3 Childcare Director, Parent Educator for Head Start Literacy Programs, Job Readiness Trainer, Family History Researcher, and most recently, earned a Master’s in Educational Technology. In addition to this, she is the proud mother of five children and ten grandchildren.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Chaggiyith
YVU Treasurer Director

Queen Chaggiyith
YVU Treasurer Director
Chaggiyith Athalyah Yisrael is a native to Miami, Florida. Born and raised under the direction and teachings of the first begotten of YAHWEH, YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH, in 1992. She acquired a useful and unique skill set. Chaggiyith learned to read and write musical notation as a young girl. The guitar was her choice of instruments though she loves all musical instruments. Her love for singing and writing music for YAHWEH grew with her age.
At the tender age of thirteen, Chaggiyith had a divine calling to become a midwife delivering her Em’s eighth child at the Miami Maternity Center under the direction and supervision of Sheri Daniels and the other Midwives and Certified Nurse Midwives at the birthing center. She would then continue on to deliver her sister’s first child at the age of seventeen. Continuing her love for the sciences and becoming a midwife, she acquired her Associates of Arts in Nursing degree from Miami Dade College and her Associates of Science in Nursing Degree, R.N. from Brown Mackie College with honors.
YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH would just so have it that Chaggiyith would learn and study diaconiology and gemology being a jeweler at Kay Jewelers and a barista trainer and Coffee master at Starbucks Coffee. Although she works two jobs Chaggiyith has always been like an ant keeping busy for YAHWEH.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Tamah
YVU Marketing/Business Development Director

Queen Tamah
YVU Marketing/Business Development Director
Tamah Yisrael has been a servant and student of Yahweh since 2008. She continues to play a key role structuring the information management system, outreach and marketing and especially in sharing the wisdom and knowledge gained from the Most Honorable Yahweh Ben Yahweh. She is the Chief Solutions Officer of TMH Financial and Management Services LLC. She established her firm in October 2018 to provide business development, bookkeeping and management services to small business nonprofits and social impact enterprises in the Greater New Orleans Area. The firm is now a partner and member owner of Resolve Cooperative whose mission is to leverage our individual capacity through collective work that emphasizes diversity and equality within our organization and the communities we serve. We build community wealth by providing accounting and financial services.
In her role as Executive Director of Builders of the Highway Foundation a national nonprofit, she has guided the merging of Neo Jazz School of Music under its umbrella as well as leveraged community partnerships to expand the reach of the nonprofit. Also, a partner and Business Manager of Yisrael Records Inc. an independent record label producer of jazz and contemporary music as well as management of local artist such as the Yisrael Trio.
Her community advocacy efforts are focused on cultural awareness, social justice, and access to healthy foods. In her role as President of the board of directors for the New Orleans Food Coop, she is able bridge the connection in all three of those focus areas. She is currently organizing around cooperative economics and is a member of Cooperation New Orleans.
Additionally, she has been recognized by the Metro Birmingham Branch of the NAACP in its Annual Salute to Outstanding African American for her contributions to the culture and to the youth of the community. She is also a graduate of the Foundation for Louisiana’s TOGETHER Initiative LEAD Community Training Program, the UNO Community Development Finance program, Cooperation Works Finance Fundamental, the Seed Common Project Officers training program and the Cooperative Leadership and Management Program through RoundSky Solutions. She continues to serve community on various committees and working groups to build a more equitable society.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:[email protected]

Queen Tsbiyah
YVU Counsel Director

Queen Tsbiyah
YVU Counsel Director
I received the word of Yahweh by way of literature from an elder trainee in 1984. I immediately became very much interested in the article and not much later fell in love with the word of Yahweh. I was then introduced to the teachings of Yahweh from the audio teachings of Yahweh Ben Yahweh and immediately fell in love with the voice of Yahweh. From there I had to see Yahweh Ben Yahweh in person, which I did, and it was love at first sight. I now know that what I experienced and am still experiencing was and is the spiritual love and connection to the divine mind of Yahweh. From there the rest is history. I left the cares of this world and became a teacher, advocate, promoter and publisher of the name YHWH. I was a teacher at the University of Yahweh and mainly worked with the pre-primary age group. Yahweh has blessed me to have 8 children for him. Today I am a certified herbalist and nutritionist and a promoter of the dietary laws of Yahweh.
My goals and qualifications for Yahweh Virtual University is to teach the principles, ways, and laws of Yahweh to our children and to all moral minded individuals who have the desire and drive to learn. Simultaneously, by doing this, I would like to firstly rescue our future and the world by spreading the good news/good gospel of the most powerful knowledge of peace in existence, the kingdom of shalom. Praise Yahweh Ben Yahweh!
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:[email protected]

King Yaasiyel
YVU Administration Director

King Yaasiyel
YVU Administration Director
Shalom, my name is Yaasiyel Yisrael. I have been under the tutelage of The Master Teacher Yahweh Ben Yahweh for the past 24 years. I first came into the knowledge of Yahweh Ben Yahweh while attending public high school. It wasn’t until I came into Yahweh Ben Yahweh’s teachings that I started excelling in academics. His teachings instills moral excellence as well as excellence in whatever endeavor I choose to set out to achieve. He has taught me that nothing will be restrained from me which I can imagine to do. He also taught me that my capabilities are 10 times better then the norm and to always strive to be the best. Throughout this journey He has caused me to be quite the biblical historian, giving me knowledge of our Hebrew history culture, name, land and most importantly the knowledge of His Name Yahweh.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:[email protected]