Free Class Final Exam

Final Exam Day
Congratulations! you made it to the final exam day, you will be tested on the information you have learned throughout this week. Remember, there are no failures in YVU we simply keep learning until we are perfect as our Father Yahweh. (Matthew 5:48)

Memory Matching

Directions: Click on any square below. Try and remember the pictures you see in order to form 6 matching pairs.


A Call For Your Help!

We pray you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy this free online class:
~This is a call for your help and assistance. This free online class was created to bring awareness to all good people about how wonderful learning from Yahweh truly is.
~At this time YVU only supports online classes for levels 1 & 2 (ages 2-6). We are a small team and are working endlessly to provide online classes for all levels and all ages.
~We are in need of Lesson plan writers, Worksheet creators, Video creators, Online course creators, Teachers, and more…If you are interested in helping YVU launch more levels faster please fill out this form HERE or call 850-813-9494 between the hours of 9 am & 1 pm EST.

You can also support us through your generous donations HERE. Praise Yahweh forever!