Back to: Yahweh Virtual University Song and Praise
Students will have fun giving praise to God Yahweh.
Parents Corner
All parents/legal guardians please remember:
~Please don’t ever shame, ridicule, belittle, or unnecessarily provoke students purposely. This can cause counterproductive behavior. (Colossians 3:21, Ephesians 6:4)
~Be patient, calm, and encouraging when teaching students. Never compare one student’s success with others. All students learn at different speeds.
~Find your student’s learning superpower HERE and remember to have them utilize their special technique when learning.
Let us all stand and face the “East” as we say a prayer to our Heavenly Father Yahweh in Hebrew.
Please press “play” and pray along with the audio. Make sure that your praying posture is correct and that you are facing the “East”. (Refer to the images below.)

What’s our Motto?
Instructions: Play the audio below for students to recite the motto