Ancient Israelites 


  At the end of this lesson, you will learn about:

(1) History of Early Jews

(2) Children of Israel

Map Showing Kingdom of Israel

History of Early Jews

Watch the video and read the notes to know about the history of early jews

The history of the early Jews, and their neighbors, centers on the Fertile Crescent and east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It begins among those people who occupied the area lying between the river Nile and Mesopotamia. Surrounded by ancient seats of culture in Egypt and Babylonia, by the deserts of Arabia, and by the highlands of Asia Minor, the land of Canaan (roughly corresponding to modern Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Lebanon) was a meeting place of civilizations.

Watch the video and read the notes to know about the children of Isreal

Children of Israel

According to the Hebrew Bible, Jews descend from the ancient people of Israel who settled in the land of Canaan between the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The Hebrew Bible refers to the “Children of Israel” as Israelite descendants of a common ancestor Jacob. . The Children of Israel, in this account, consisted of twelve tribes, each descended from one of Jacob’s twelve sons, Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Yissachar, Zevulun, Dan, Gad, Naftali, Asher, Yosef, and Benyamin

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